Thursday, April 12, 2007

41 Days and counting

I haven't really written much on Noah's page, so I figured I'd tell a little about the pregnancy. Overall, my pregnancy has been more difficult with Noah than it was with Isaac. I never had any morning sickness with Isaac, but with Noah, for the first 4 months I was sick a lot and was "turned off" by even the smells of some foods or the ideas of others. I also remember Isaac being a lot more active in the womb than Noah is. Noah is a pretty calm little guy I guess. I still feel him move but it is more "gentle" than Isaac's movements. Maybe I just have to wait a few more weeks for the more forceful movements.

I don't know if this means anything or not, but in both pregnancies, neither Isaac or Noah got more active when music or loud noises were present. I don't know if this means Noah will be deaf too, but we feel more prepared if he is. It would even be a blessing in a way. It would be awesome for Isaac to have someone in his family to relate to. Let's face it, who else would be better prepared to have another deaf child?