Sunday, May 27, 2007

Noah is Here!

Hello everyone! Noah Russell Johnson was born on May 23rd at 8:35 AM. He was delivered by C-section and I have the staples to prove it! He is doing great. He was 6 pounds and 15 ounces. The same as his older brother Isaac. He was 21 inches long and is healthy.

The hospital performed an ABR test on Noah for his hearing instead of the standared OAE test. Isaac passed the OAE test in the hospital and he is profoundly deaf, so we wanted the hospital to be more thorough with the test for Noah. Noah passed his ABR test, so he can hear just fine.

Noah is such a good little baby. He only cries when he is hungry or wants to be held. We are so blessed. Noah is so lucky to have a big brother like Isaac. Isaac is so gentle with him and loves to pat his head and kiss him. We are a lucky family. Ian and I are blessed with two healthy and happy boys. Praise God for family!