Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Happy First Birthday Noah!

Sunday, May 25th was a really special day for our family. At eleven o'clock, family and friends came to church with us for Noah's dedication service. Afterwards we had a BBQ at our house in our newly fenced yard to celebrate Noah's 1st Birthday (which was actually on Friday). It was a beautiful day. It was rainy all week long but on Sunday it was sunny and warm with a nice breeze. The party was a nice size with our family and friends. Among the gifts Noah received were a wagon full of mega blocks, a turtle sandbox, sand toys, bubble toys, bathtub toys an I bond and some money. Noah really loved his cake. He was not scared one bit and immediately stuck his hands in the icing. He was not so fond of the party hats or getting the icing cleaned off of him. Overall, it was a nice party. Happy Birthday little cutie! We love you very much.

Thursday, May 1, 2008